How To Run Variphy UCCX Call Analytics Reports In Variphy Call Analytics Reporting, there are 2 easy ways to run an existing report: Method 1) Click the Run...
UCCX Cluster Configuration Step 1) Creating a password for the Historical Reporting User Log into the UCCX publisher Browse to Tools > Password...
UCCX CSQ Real-Time Status widgets showing incorrect call counts Occasionally an issue may occur with UCCX clusters where certain CSQ’s show call totals that conflict with UCCX Analytics reporting....
Assign User/Group Call Analytics Report Privileges for All Shared Reports In Variphy 12.1 and earlier versions, users/groups who were not System or Call Analytics Administrators needed to be explicitly assigned...
Custom Labels for CUCM CDR & UCCX Call Analytics & Reporting In Variphy version 12.1 and older, the terminology for search criteria, detail columns, and analytics properties for CUCM CDR and...
UCCX Time Interval Reporting (New in Variphy 12.2) In our upcoming 12.2 release, we are excited to introduce the ability to include Time Interval reporting in our UCCX...
Variphy UCCX CSQ & Agent Call Details Dictionary The Call Detail fields are available for CSQ and Agent based UCCX analytical reports. The field descriptions have been grouped...
UCCX Search Support for Inactive Values Variphy version 13.1 introduced support for historical values within the UCCX agent search criteria. The previous versions did not have...
Variphy UCCX Agent Statistics Dictionary The Agent Statistic options are available for Agent based UCCX analytical reports. These options are accessed by navigating to the...