How To Configure Dashboard Widget Appearance, Font Sizes & Vertical Spacing Variphy’s Dashboards and Widgets can be extensively customized with drag and drop resizing as well as configurable font size and...
Configuring User and Group Permissions in Variphy In Variphy, user accounts can be created as internal standalone logins, or can be linked to a user’s Active Directory...
How to Use Variphy Call Analytics On Demand History Search To run an on demand Call History Search, Go to the Call Analytics Reporting Menu, which defaults to the History sub menu....
Variphy CUCM CDR User Guides & Popular How-Tos User Guides & How-To Articles Variphy CUCM CDR Call Analytics Reporting Guide Variphy’s Call Analytics Reporting isn’t based on anything...
Example: CDR Report Showing Dormant or Under Utilized Phones or End Users Dormant phones and users can clog up CUCM and continue to count towards license usage. Identifying phones and end users...
How to Configure CDR Alerts in Variphy In addition to on-demand searches and call analytics reporting, Variphy can also generate alerts based on a more narrow set...
Variphy 12.1.0: Overview & What To Know Before Upgrading Variphy 12.1 introduces new UCCX Dashboard capabilities, CDR reporting and alerting options, and the addition of DID’s and customizable DID...
Variphy As-Built Report Configuration Guide Variphy’s “As-Built” reporting gives the ability to access a wide array of built-in cluster configuration data. These read-only reports are...
Variphy Phone Broadcast User Guide One of Variphy’s phone-related features is the ability to send text messages to a phone, or group of phones, that...
Configuring DID Block Import Importing DID Blocks into Variphy is straight forward using a simple .csv file. In the DN & DID Management module,...
Support For Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 Ended July 31, 2020 Variphy is announcing that effective July 31, 2020, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (aka “IE 11”) will no longer be a supported...
Variphy 12.2 Will Remove Support For CUCM and Unity Connection 9.x and Older Variphy 12.2 supported CUCM and Unity Connections versions will be: Version 10.x Version 11.x Version 12.x To best support our...
Assign User/Group Call Analytics Report Privileges for All Shared Reports In Variphy 12.1 and earlier versions, users/groups who were not System or Call Analytics Administrators needed to be explicitly assigned...
CUCM CDR/UCCX Call Analytics Report Repository New in Variphy 12.2 is the Report History Repository, which stores both an activity record and the actual report file...
Custom Labels for CUCM CDR & UCCX Call Analytics & Reporting In Variphy version 12.1 and older, the terminology for search criteria, detail columns, and analytics properties for CUCM CDR and...
Variphy 12.2 EFT: Overview & What To Know Before Upgrading Variphy 12.2 introduces new reporting capabilities, including the ability to add custom column header labels to your reports in order...
UCCX Time Interval Reporting (New in Variphy 12.2) In our upcoming 12.2 release, we are excited to introduce the ability to include Time Interval reporting in our UCCX...
How to create a Finesse user for Variphy authentication. Introduction Variphy’s RTA widget uses the Finesse system that comes with a UCCX environment where the application can subscribe to...