Coming Soon in Variphy 12.1!
DID Sites
In Variphy, DID Sites are designed to represent an organization’s physical locations, such as its headquarters and specific branch offices, to which DID numbers are assigned and used, via Blocks.
Multiple Sites can be configured in Variphy, each with a unique name as well as optional description and geo-location information, such as street address, city, state, zip/postal code and country.
In Variphy DID Management, DID Sites are used to organize DID Blocks.
Configuring DID Sites
Within the DN & DID Management feature, select the Configure tab, which is only available and visible to system administrator users.
Selecting the DID Sites tab will display all existing Sites in Variphy. For each Site, the assigned name, number of DID Blocks assigned, geo-location information and last modified (date and user) status will be shown.
Note: At least 1 Site must exist before configuring DID Blocks.

Creating a DID Site
To create a new DID Site, click the Create DID Site button, which will open the configuration window.

DID Site Configuration Window
A unique, non-empty name for the Site is required.
The description, address, city, state/province, zip/postal code and Country are all optional fields.
Click the Save button to save the new Site.

The new Site will then appear on the page:

Editing an Existing DID Site
To edit an existing DID Site, click the edit icon for the desired Site, which will show the configuration window.

Copying an Existing DID Site
To copy an existing DID Site, click the copy icon for the desired Site, which will show the configuration window.

The Create Site window will appear, but with the fields populated with values from the Site to copy. The text ” Copy” will be appended to the name to help ensure uniqueness.
Adjust any desired values and then click the Save button to save the copied Site.

Deleting an Existing DID Site
To delete an existing DID Site, click the delete icon for the desired Site, which will show the configuration window.

In the confirmation window, click the Confirm button to delete the Site, or Cancel to return to the list of Sites.