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Broadcast FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Variphy Broadcast

  • If a user is on the phone during a text broadcast, will they receive the message?
  • Can the audible tone/alert be changed in Broadcast?

Question: If a user is on the phone during a text broadcast, will they receive the message?


This is actually dependent on the phone model. Most phone models will receive it during a call whereas others may not.

Question: Can the audible tone/alert be changed in Broadcast?


The tone is currently hardcoded to a certain tone that exists in every CUCM system. Tone’s are actually media files which can be uploaded/modified in CUCM so to let them select a tone in Insight could result in the beep not working as there’s no way to find a list of what tones are active/available in the cluster.

Updated on December 19, 2019

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