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  4. Migrating MySQL DB Using mysqldump (Linux to Linux OVA)

Migrating MySQL DB Using mysqldump (Linux to Linux OVA)


Step 1) Login via SSH to Variphy Server (Variphy OVA installation assumed)

Step 2)  Identify the desired database to migrate:

mysql – u root -p

mysql> show databases;

Step 3) Exit out of mysql by typing exit at the prompt

mysql> exit

Step 4) Backup the database using mysqldump, in this example we will assume database name is variphydb:

sudo mysqldump -u root -p variphydb > variphydb_backup.sql

*Remember the location were you were when you executed the mysqldump command, this is were the variphydb_backup.sql file will be placed if you don’t specify a full path.  If you do forget, you can always find the file by running the following command at the linux prompt:

sudo find / -name ‘variphydb_backup.sql’

Step 5. Allow dump to complete (this may take several minutes/hours) and then transfer the resulting dump file to DESTINATION MYSQL SERVER:

For example with SCP:

scp -r variphydb_backup.sql variphyadmin@%DestinationServerIP%:/opt/Variphy/Temp/


Step 1) Login via SSH to Variphy Server  

Step 2) Confirm DB has successfully been transfered from SOURCE MYSQL SERVER.

From previous SCP transfer in Step 3 above, the file should be located at:  /opt/Variphy/Temp

Step 3) Create new empty DB with same name as original:

mysql -u root -p

mysql> create database variphydb;

Step 4) exit out of myslq and then run the following from the linux command line to Import DB:

mysql -u root -p variphydb < /opt/Variphy/Temp/variphydb_backup.sql

Updated on December 27, 2022

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