This report will provide the top 10 devices, by total calls, with over 30% severe call concealment.
Severe Concealment is a call quality measurement that represents the time during which a significant amount of concealment or inaudibility is observed.
Optional Changes
This report is designed to report all calls to/from all devices and does not require any additional editing to function.
If you wish to narrow down your search to a specific set of data, remove the search set filter of Call Scenario Types and add a more specific search set to meet your reporting requirements.

To adjust the Minimum Severely Concealed Seconds Ratio (SCSR) from 30%, scroll to the bottom of the Search Set menu and adjust the value between 0 to 1 (i.e., 1.0 is 100% severe concealment, and 0.5 is 50% concealment over the life of the call).