In the main navigation, select DN & DID Management.
If this option does not appear for you, then the DID feature is not licensed for your installation or your user account does not have the appropriate feature privileges.
As of Variphy release 12.4, you have the ability to perform Multi-Block DID search. This allows one to query across all Sites and/or all Blocks configured in one’s organization.

If a search across all Sites or all Blocks is not needed and a more refined search is desired, the application does allow one to perform a more specific query. To accomplish this, confirm if you are needing to search across all Sites or instead one or multiple sites. Site names will be presented in a drop down / picklist field.
The presented DID blocks, are based off your selected Sites. One may choose All Associated Blocks of the selected site(s) or indicate specific DID blocks to search against.

Specify digits to search for in the 4 digit line number field, using each “X” digit as a wildcard (0 – 9). For example, searching for “10XX” which search for 1000, 1001, 1002, … through 1099.
If the search value is less than 4 digits, wildcard digits will automatically appended, e.g. searching for "3" is the same as "3XXX".
Select at least Status to include in the results from:
- Available – There are no associated/mapped numbers in any of the CUCM Clusters, which indicates the DID number is not in use.
- Inactive/Unassigned – There is at least 1 existing associated/mapped CUCM number for the DID number, but it is not callable.
- Active – The DID number is assigned and used by at least 1 number in the Block’s associated CUCM cluster(s).
Tags (optional) – if desired, select 1 or multiple Tags to further filter the search results. If multiple Tags are selected, any search result will be included if it matches any of the Tags.
Click the View Search Results button to view the search results.

Viewing Search Results
For performance reasons, only the 1st 25 search results will be shown in the UI. For complete results, generating a report is recommended.
For each of the search results, the DID Number will be shown along with the desired detail columns, e.g.
- Status – the status of the DID number as determined by Variphy based upon all associated CUCM clusters
- Tags – the tags as configured in Variphy for the DID number
- CUCM Cluster – the associated CUCM number’s CUCM Cluster. If the number is found in multiple clusters the output will reflect as such.
- Directory Number – the associated CUCM number
- Partition – the associated CUCM number’s route partition
- Description – the associated CUCM number’s description
- Alerting Name – the associated CUCM number’s configured Alerting Name
- Assigned Devices – a full description of each CUCM number line appearance showing the Device Name, Line Index, Device Description and Device Type
- Number Type – type of associated CUCM number it is, e.g. Device, Hunt Pilot, etc

Click the Show/Hide Columns button to change or reorder the visible detail columns shown for each DID number in the search results.

DID reporting utilizes the same search form as viewing results.
Configure the desired DID number search as described above and then click the Export Results button, which will show the following dialog allowing the report’s content to be configured.

Settings Tab
- Output Format – choose either XLSX or PDF as the report output format (same as in DN Mgmt)
- Organize Numbers By – choose to organize numbers by either Status (Active, Available, or Inactive) or Number (Numeric order). In both cases the Number details are shown in numeric order, but if Status is shown, the numbers are 1st organized per status, then numeric order e.g. 1001, 1002, 3333, 4444, etc
- Show DID Block Info Summary – If enabled, this will enable information about the selected DID Block to be included at the top of the report, specifically Name, Description, & Provider / Circuit/Trunk ID
- Show DID Site Info Summary – If enabled, this will enable information about the selected DID Block’s Site(s) to be included at the top of the report, specifically (for each site) Name, Description, Address/Location
- Show DID Number Status Summary – If enabled, this will enable information about the total # of DID numbers per status to be included at the top of the report
- Show DID Number Details – If enabled, this will enable each matching DID Number (per the Search/Results) to be shown
- Selected Detail Column Types – If “Show DID Number Details” enabled, this will specify which details per DID number will be shown in the report
- At least 1 of the “Show DID Number Status Summary” or “Show DID Number Details” should be selected so that the report does not just contain the summary header table
Delivery Tab
Select the desired output format (PDF vs XLSX) and if the report should be downloaded or delivered via email/FTP.