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  4. Troubleshooting Single Sign On with Active Directory (AD)

Troubleshooting Single Sign On with Active Directory (AD)

If the user is specified as an Active Directory user, no password is stored for the user in Variphy and instead, the Active Directory server reference is stored for the user.

During the user login process, Variphy performs the following, using the username and password entered by the user in the login form. 

1) Does a user exist in the system for the given username? If not, then the invalid login error screen is shown

2) If the user is found and the user is an Active Directory user, then Variphy will attempt to validate the username and supplied password by communicating with the Active Directory server as configured in Variphy for the username.  If any errors are encountered, such as user not found, invalid password, or unable to communicate with the Active Directory server, then the invalid user login screen is shown.

3) If the user is found and is not an Active Directory user, then the system validates the username and the supplied password what is stored locally within Variphy for the user.

Updated on June 6, 2019

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