Each user can use and manage multiple Dashboards. Each Dashboard can be configured with widgets for one or multiple CUCM, UCCX, CUBE and/or Zoom Phone Platforms.
If this feature option does not appear for you, it is either because this feature has not been licensed for your installation, or your user account in the Variphy installation does not have the appropriate user privileges.
By default, no Dashboards will exist in the system for each user account.
Creating New Dashboards
To create a new dashboard, click Create Dashboard button, as shown here:

Or, if you already have 1 or more Dashboards, click the + New Dashboard button next to the list of existing Dashboards.

Enter a name for the new Dashboard and then click the Save button.

Next, the new dashboard will automatically become the active dashboard on the page.

Adding Zoom Phone Widgets To A Dashboard
To add a Zoom Phone new widget to the selected dashboard, click the + New Widget button.

In the dialog box which opens, select the Calls Analytics option (Application feature is only for Announcement text-based widgets)

Next, select your Zoom Account platform.

Widget Type
Select the specific type of widget, which provides different options for how the data should be displayed.

The following widget types exist for Zoom Phone Analytics:
Call Distribution
The Call Distribution widget will display the total call count for grouping in a donut/pie distribution chart for the desired search criteria and time period . The grouping type (e.g. Zoom Phone devices, calling/called party number, Zoom Site/Department/End User, etc.) can be configured.

Call History Details
The Call History Details widget will show the most recent call activity details for the desired search criteria and time period. Both the number of calls and detail columns shown can be fully configured.

Call Statistic
The Call Statistic widget will display the desired key statistics, such as Total Call Count, duration, connected call percentage, etc. for the desired search criteria and time period.

Call Volume by Time Period
The Call Volume by Time Period widget will display the total number of calls per Month, Week, Date (shown below), Day of Week, Hour of Day, Half Hour of Day, or Quarter Hour of Day for the desired search criteria and time period.

Grouping Statistics
The Grouping Statistics widget will display Top or Bottom N Groupings (based upon the configured Sort setting) for the configured grouping type in a tabular format for the desired search criteria and time period along with 1 or more of the selected statistics.
The grouping type (e.g. Zoom Phone device, calling/called party number, Zoom Site/Department/End User, call direction, etc.) can be configured.

Utilization/Concurrent Call Activity
The Utilization/Concurrent Call Activity widget will compute and display the total number of concurrent calls in progress for each time of day, for the desired search criteria and time period.