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Phone Search Error – Variphy Insight encountered an error when searching for phones.


When searching for phones in Insight’s Phone Control tab, the interface returns the following error:

Variphy Insight encountered a problem…

Variphy Insight encountered an error when searching for phones.

A check of the Variphy application logs immediately after will show errors similar to these:

Line 8297: 2014-10-30 13:54:45,072 ERROR


net.variphy.cisco.cm.v10_0_1.risinfo.svc.RisInfoSvcException: XML docElement name notsoapenv:Envelope, actually html
Line 8298: 2014-10-30 13:54:45,072 ERROR



net.variphy.cisco.cm.v10_0_1.risinfo.svc.RisInfoSvcException: XML docElement name notsoapenv:Envelope, actually html


This is likely due to either missing roles or incorrect roles being assigned to the Variphy Application User account in CUCM.

The CUCM application user that Variphy uses for access to the cluster should at least contain the following 3 roles:

  • Standard AXL API Access
  • Standard CCM Admin users
  • Standard SERVICEABILITY Read Only (Cisco Call Manager Serviceability)

Although we are able to access most functions with only the AXL API role, there are a few items that Insight pulls directly from CUCM that require the additional roles aside from AXL API. The most important one is the pull of any device/phone ip address, which requires the Standard CCM Admin Users and SERVICEABILITY Read Only. If those roles aren’t present, the phone-related queries will fail

Also, assigning incorrect roles like Standard CCM END Users or Standard SERVICEABILITY Read Only (Dialed number analyszer) will also cause the phone search queries to fail. Assigning the 3 correct roles only to the Application User will resolve this issue.

Updated on December 19, 2019

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