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  3. How to Restart CUCM Services When No Data or Partial Data Is Sent to Variphy

How to Restart CUCM Services When No Data or Partial Data Is Sent to Variphy

Applies to: 

  • Variphy users experiencing issues with CDR data in reports or widgets.
  • System administrators managing Variphy and CUCM integration.
  • IT personnel responsible for CDR data flow.

Common Causes or Issues 

  • When reports or widgets show no data or only partial data.
  • When the Data Summary option on the Reports page doesn’t show a current date in the Available CDR section.
  • When CDR data appears to be missing or incomplete.

How to Resolve Missing or Partial CDR Data Issues

No Recent CDR Data Available

If no recent CDR data is available in reports or widgets and the Available CDR Data is not showing a current date:

1. Log in to CUCM and navigate to Serviceability.

2. Select Tools and navigate to Control Center Network Services.

3. Select the CUCM Publisher in the Server dropdown and click Go.

4. Scroll down to CDR Services and restart the Cisco CDR Repository Manager Service.

Partial CDR Data Available

If the Data Summary is showing a current date in the Available CDR Data but you believe not all of the data is being shown in reports or widgets:

1. Log in to CUCM and navigate to Serviceability.

2. Select Tools and navigate to Control Center Network Services.

3. Select the CUCM Publisher in the Server dropdown and click Go.

4. Scroll down to CDR Services and restart the Cisco CDR Agent Service.

5. Repeat for all CUCM subscribers. (Note: For subscribers, only the Cisco CDR Agent service will be listed under CDR Services.)

Additional Considerations

  • CUCM should send all of the old unsent data to the Variphy server for processing.
  • Processing time depends on how long data has been missing.
  • CUCM has a limited buffer to store this data, so there may be some missing data if the issue has persisted for a long time.
  • Variphy suggests configuring a No CDR alert to catch these issues early.
Updated on August 29, 2024

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