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Variphy Wellness Check: How to Make Sure Your System Is Healthy and Optimized

Applies to:

  • Variphy administrators.
  • IT professionals.
  • Support teams using Variphy for system monitoring and call analytics.

Common Causes or Issues:

  • Unaddressed system settings can lead to performance degradation, call data loss, or space issues.
  • Regularly verifying application and platform settings is crucial for preventing problems related to disk space, report generation, and system inactivity timeouts.

How to Ensure Variphy System Health

Below is a checklist of items to monitor and address to keep your system healthy.

1. Application Settings

Access the settings via the Settings gear under the System heading. Review and adjust the following:

  • Max Inactive Session Length: Adjust to manage system inactivity timeouts. This is often administered at the corporate level on browsers, but it may be possible to extend session availability of the Variphy UI via this setting.  

2. CDR Processing Settings

  • Default CDR Processing Interval: Controls the timing between attempts to process new call data. This is a system-wide setting but can be overridden within specific platform CDR settings.
  • Preserve Processed CDR Files: Sets the default for retention of physical CDR and/or CMR data and is NOT the data used within the Variphy application. It can be set on a cluster-by-cluster basis where applicable, but manage CDR file retention carefully to avoid filling up the disk space. It is recommended to set this to the shortest retention period possible. A Variphy support ticket can engage our SE team for help with assessments. 
  • Platform API Connection Failures: Frequent API connection failures may cause processing suspensions. If your network environment experiences connectivity issues regularly, you can increase this value to avoid frequent suspensions of processing.

3. Call Analytics Reporting Settings

  • Email Scheduled Report Errors: Set up email alerts for scheduled report errors to stay informed and resolve issues promptly. Email reports can assist you with discovering an issue and provide important information for Variphy Support to use. 
  • Max Cradle to Grave Depth: Adjust this setting if report generation is slow. If you experience extended run time on reports with Cradle to Grave included, it may be due to the number of passes. In general, nearly all related records are discovered with the first few passes; higher settings are better for troubleshooting but can delay normal reporting.

4. Report History Repository Settings

  • Repository Max Disk Usage: Sets the upper limit for how much disk space the repository can use, which is automatically reduced nightly by deleting the oldest files to get below the limit. This is set per platform, so if you find that your repository does not include reports from as far back as you need, then this value should be increased for each platform you would like to retain more reports. NOTE: See Report Repository below.

5. Hard Disk Space Management

  • Hard Disk Usable Space Threshold: Monitor this threshold to maintain enough disk space for Variphy to function correctly. The usable threshold needs to be set to give you sufficient time to address the issue. Set up Email Disk Usage Alerts to be notified in advance of potential space issues. Checking the server platform, which is covered later in this article, can help you determine how quickly your disk space is being used up.

6. Platform Configurations 

These configurations can be accessed via the Settings gear and reside under the Platform heading. Each licensed platform will have an entry. 

  • Check Platform Connections: Use the Check option to verify the status of platform connections, ensuring smooth communication and proper data processing.

  • CDR Processing:
    • Available Data: The Information “i” shows the date range for available data.
    • Preserve Files After Processing: Can be a major culprit in diminishing disk space on the Variphy server. 
    • Process Files Every: Provides the ability to override referred to in the application settings.
    • Purge Setting: Provides a cluster-specific retention for data used in Variphy reports and widgets. 
    • CDR Data Monitoring: Allows for notification rules to be defined so the appropriate staff can be alerted.  
    • Email Disk Usage Alerts: Should include the person or group whose responsibilities include being able to act on a Low/No CDR condition in a timely manner.

7. Server Platform

As mentioned above, this information page, available under the System heading of the Variphy Settings, provides a visual snapshot, including: 

  • Total Heap Memory: Shows memory information. Committed vs. Max can reveal if your system has memory available. If committed memory equals max memory consistently, consider reaching out to Variphy Support for assistance or a potential memory upgrade.
  • Hard Disk Space: The Root Partition / can be monitored over the course of a few days to reveal if available space is going down over time because it shows how much of the capacity is still available. Monitor the root partition over a few days to track available disk space and ensure it isn’t decreasing too rapidly.

Reports Repository

  • Status Check: Verify that requested reports have completed successfully. Reports with non-complete statuses may need additional troubleshooting, and a support ticket should be created if needed.
  • Lock and Download Reports: Lock reports to prevent them from being purged during nightly clean-ups or download them for safekeeping.

Still Need Help? 

Email our support team at support@variphy.com or click the button below to access our ticket portal.

Please provide details about your question or issue, including any applicable screenshots, reports, or Variphy application log files.

Updated on August 27, 2024

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