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Zoom Phone Call Detail Data Dictionary

Date/Time OriginationDate & Time a call originated
Date OriginationDate a call originated
Time OriginationTime a call originated
Answer Date/TimeDate & time a call was answered
Answer DateDate a call was answered
Answer TimeTime a call was answered
End Date/TimeDate & time a call was ended
End DateDate a call ended
End TimeTime a call ended
Category: Originating Party
Caller NumberCaller ID or DN of a person placing a call.
Caller Party NameDisplays the name of the caller zoom entity/owner placing a call, regardless of type (user vs auto-receptionist, etc)
Caller Party TypeThe “Type” value of the Caller “owner” , e.g. “User” vs “Auto-Receptionist” placing a call.
Caller Party Name (Type)Combination field that displays both the name and type of the zoom entity/owner placing a call.
Caller LocationThe Country and/or City and/or State of a caller as provided by Zoom
Caller SiteThe Site of a Zoom entity/owner placing a call.
Caller DepartmentThe name of a department for which the Zoom entity/owner placing a call resides.
Caller Manager NameThe manager of a Zoom entity/owner placing a call.
Caller Device TypeThe type of Zoom phone placing a call (MAC_Client, Windows_Client, Yealink etc..)
Caller CodecCodec being used by the phone placing a call.
Caller ResultThis value represents the “result” from the perspective of the Caller. In some cases, there may not be a Caller Result value, such as when an inbound PSTN call comes to a Called Zoom entity/owner.
Caller MicrophoneType of microphone being used by the phone placing a call.
Caller SpeakersType of speaker being used by the phone placing a call.
Caller ISPInternet Service Provider being used by the Zoom phone placing a call.
Caller Common AreaThe Display Name of Common Area Zoom phone placing a call. (Common Area Phones are phones not associated to a Zoom user)
Caller Common Area PhoneThe Display Name of the Common Area Zoom Phone placing a call, sometimes referred to as Desk Phone.) (Common Area Phones are phones not associated to a Zoom user)
Category: Terminating Party
Called NumberNumber which answered a call.
Called Party NameDisplays the name of a called zoom entity/owner receiving a call, regardless of type (user vs auto-receptionist, etc)
Called Party TypeThe “Type” value of the “owner” , e.g. “User” vs “Auto-Receptionist” receiving a call.
Called Party Name (Type)Combination field that displays both the name and type of the zoom entity/owner receiving a call.
Called LocationThe Country and/or City and/or State of the person being called as provided by Zoom
Called SiteThe Site of a Zoom entity/owner receiving a call.
Called DepartmentThe name of a department for which the Zoom entity/owner receiving a call resides.
Called Manager NameThe manager of a Zoom entity/owner receiving a call.
Called Device TypeThe type of Zoom phone receiving a call (MAC_Client, Windows_Client, Yealink etc..)
Called ResultThis value represents the “result” from the perspective of the “Called” party. In some cases, there may not be a Called Result value, such as when a Zoom entity/owner calls a PSTN number.
Called Common AreaThe Display Name of Common Area Zoom phone receiving a call. (Common Area Phones are phones not associated to a Zoom user)
Called Common Area PhoneThe Display Name of the Common Area Zoom Phone receiving a call, sometimes referred to as Desk Phone. (Common Area Phones are phones not associated to a Zoom user)
Called QueueName of the Zoom call queue receiving a call.
Category: Duration
Call Duration (sec)Duration of a call in seconds.
Call Duration (hh:mm:ss)Duration of a call in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.
Ring Time (sec)Ring time of a call in seconds.
Ring Time (hh:mm:ss)Ring time of a call in Hours:Minutes:Seconds
Wait Time (sec)Amount of time in a call queue in seconds.
Wait Time (hh:mm:ss)Amount of time in a call queue in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.
Category: Signaling
DirectionOutbound, Inbound, Internal
PathThe source/destination path taken for call completion.
Forwarded By TypeThe “Type” value of the “owner” , e.g. “User” vs “Auto-Receptionist” that a call was forward from.
Forwarded By NameDisplays the name of the zoom entity/owner forwarding a call, regardless of type (user vs auto-receptionist, etc)
Forward By NumberNumber which forward a call.
Forwarded To TypeThe “Type” value of the “owner” , e.g. “User” vs “Auto-Receptionist” that a call was forward to.
Forwarded To NameDisplays the name of the called zoom entity/owner receiving a forward a call, regardless of type (user vs auto-receptionist, etc)
Forwarded To NumberThe number for where a call was forwarded to.
Presented ToIdentifies zoom owners who are configured to receive calls to the queue and could have answered.
Call ConclusionIdentifies how/why a call concluded, e.g. was it transferred elsewhere or parked etc…
Category: Call Identifier
Call IdentifierThe unique call identity value that is assigned to each call.
Category: Miscellaneous/Other
Call TypeIdentifies the type of call as Contact Center, International, PSTN, Toll-Free or VOIP
Recording TypeIdentifies the type of recording on a call (Automatic, OnDemand, None)
Has Voice MailIndicates a Voice Mail has been left
Category: Call Quality
Mean Opinion Score (MOS)A a numerical measure of overall quality of an event or experience. 1 (bad) to 5 (excellent)
Updated on November 18, 2022

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