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Variphy UCCX CSQ Statistics Dictionary

The CSQ Statistic options are available for CSQ based UCCX analytical reports. These options are accessed by navigating to the CSQ statistics section when creating or editing CSQ statistics content in a UCCX CSQ report.

Statistic NameDescription
Abandoned Average Connect TimeThe average duration for the abandoned calls. It represents queue time and the time prior to a call being queued. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Abandoned Average Hold TimeThe average hold time for the abandoned calls. Hold time is only applied to calls answered by an agent. Under normal circumstances this value will be 00:00:00.
Abandoned Average Queue TimeThe average queue time for the abandoned calls. This identifies how long a caller waited in the queue before abandoning the call (hanging up).
Abandoned Average Ring TimeThe average ring time for the abandoned calls. Not all abandoned calls will have ring time. Ring time is only applied to a call if it is presented to an agent. For an abandoned call to have ring time it would have been presented to an agent and not answered. The call can be abandoned while ringing at the agent’s extension, or if the agent didn’t answer, while it remained in the queue.
Abandoned Average Talk TimeThe average talk time for the abandoned calls. Talk time is only applied to calls answered by an agent. Under normal circumstances this value will be 00:00:00.
Abandoned Average Work TimeThe average work time for the abandoned calls. Work time is only applied to calls answered by an agent. Under normal circumstances this value will be 00:00:00.
Abandoned CountThe number of calls abandoned while queued.
Abandoned Max Connect TimeThe max connect time for the calls abandoned while queued. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Abandoned Max Hold TimeThe max hold time for the abandoned calls. Hold time is only applied to calls answered by an agent. Under normal circumstances this value will be 00:00:00.
Abandoned Max Queue TimeThe max queue time among all of the abandoned calls for the CSQ.
Abandoned Max Ring TimeThe max ring time for an abandoned call ringing at an agent’s extension. Not all abandoned calls will have ring time. Ring time is only applied to a call if it is presented to an agent. For an abandoned call to have ring time it would have been presented to an agent and not answered. The call can be abandoned while ringing at the agent’s extension, or if the agent didn’t answer, while it remained in the queue.
Abandoned Max Talk TimeThe max talk time for the abandoned calls. Talk time is only applied to calls answered by an agent. Under normal circumstances this value will be 00:00:00.
Abandoned Max Work TimeThe max work time for the abandoned calls. Work time is only applied to calls answered by an agent. Under normal circumstances this value will be 00:00:00.
Abandoned Met Service Level CountThe number of calls that were abandoned before they reached the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Abandoned Met Service Level PercentThe percentage of calls that were abandoned before they reached the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Abandoned Missed Service Level CountThe number of calls that were abandoned after they reached the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Abandoned Missed Service Level PercentThe percentage of calls that were abandoned after they reached the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Abandoned PercentThe percentage of the total calls for the CSQ that were abandoned while in the queue.
Abandoned Total Connect TimeThe total duration for the abandoned calls. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Abandoned Total Hold TimeThe total hold time for the abandoned calls. Hold time is only applied to calls answered by an agent. Under normal circumstances this value will be 00:00:00.
Abandoned Total Queue TimeThe total queue time for the abandoned calls. This identifies how long callers waited in the queue before abandoning the call (hanging up).
Abandoned Total Talk TimeThe total talk time for the abandoned calls. Talk time is only applied to calls answered by an agent. Under normal circumstances this value will be 00:00:00.
Abandoned Total Work TimeThe total work time for the abandoned calls. Work time is only applied to calls answered by an agent. Under normal circumstances this value will be 00:00:00.
Aborted CountThe number of aborted calls while in the queue. Per Cisco: A call is aborted if an exception occurs in the workflow that is processing a call, for example, UndefinedPromptException or ApplicationMaxSessionsException. In such cases, Unified CCX sets up media and plays the error message to the caller.
Aborted PercentThe percentage of calls that were aborted while in the queue. Per Cisco: A call is aborted if an exception occurs in the workflow that is processing a call, for example, UndefinedPromptException or ApplicationMaxSessionsException. In such cases, Unified CCX sets up media and plays the error message to the caller.
Available Agentsthe number of agents who are currently in a state where they can receive and handle incoming calls for that specific CSQ. Agents must be logged in, in “Ready” status, and assigned to that CSQ in order to be counted as available.
Average Connect TimeThe average connection time for all calls (handled and abandoned). Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Average Handle TimeThe average handle time for all calls (handled and abandoned). Abandoned calls will have zero handle time so this value will be lower than the Handled Average Handle Time.
Average Hold TimeThe average hold time for all calls (handled and abandoned). Abandoned calls will have zero hold time so this value will be lower than the Handled Average Hold Time.
Average Queue TimeThe average queue time for all calls (handled and abandoned).
Average Ring TimeThe average ring time for all calls (handled and abandoned). An abandoned call will have ring time only if it has been presented to an agent.
Average Talk TimeThe average talk time for all calls (handled and abandoned). Abandoned calls will have zero talk time so this value will be lower than the Handled Average Talk Time.
Average Work TimeThe average work time for all calls (handled and abandoned). Abandoned calls will have zero work time so this value will be lower than the Handled Average Work Time.
Dequeued CountThe number of calls dequeued from the CSQ. Per Cisco, a call is dequeued from a particular CSQ for the following reasons:
* The call is dequeued by a Dequeue step in a workflow.
* The call is marked as handled by a workflow.
* The call is queued for more than one CSQ and is handled by an agent in another CSQ.
Dequeued PercentThe percentage of calls dequeued from the CSQ. Per Cisco, a call is dequeued from a particular CSQ for the following reasons:
* The call is dequeued by a Dequeue step in a workflow.
* The call is marked as handled by a workflow.
* The call is queued for more than one CSQ and is handled by an agent in another CSQ.
Handled Average Connect TimeThe average connect time for all of the handled calls. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Handled Average Hold TimeThe average hold time for all of the handled calls. Hold time refers to the time a caller is placed on hold by the agent, not the time waiting in the queue.
Handled Average Queue TimeThe average queue time for all of the handled calls.
Handled Average Ring TimeThe average ring time for all handled calls.
Handled Average Talk TimeThe average talk time for all handled calls. Talk time does not include hold time.
Handled Average Work TimeThe average work time for all handled calls.
Handled by Another CSQ CountThe number of calls presented to the CSQ that were handled (answered) by another CSQ. If the script has the call dequeued before being sent to the other queue the call will likely be included in towards the dequeued count.
Handled by Another CSQ PercentThe percentage of calls presented to the CSQ that were handled (answered) by another CSQ. If the script has the call dequeued before being sent to the other queue the call will likely be included in towards the dequeued percentage.
Handled by Script CountThe number of calls presented to the CSQ that were not handled by an agent but we completed (handled) by the UCCX script.
Handled by Script PercentThe percentage of calls presented to the CSQ that were not handled by an agent but we completed (handled) by the UCCX script.
Handled CountThe number of calls presented to the CSQ that were handled.
Handled Max Connect TimeThe largest connect time value for the handled calls across the selected date/time range. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Handled Max Hold TimeThe largest hold time value for the handled calls across the selected date/time range. Hold time occurs when an agent puts a caller on hold.
Handled Max Queue TimeThe largest queue time value for the handled calls across the selected date/time range.
Handled Max Ring TimeThe largest ring time value for the handled calls across the selected date/time range.
Handled Max Talk TimeThe largest talk time value for the handled calls across the selected date/time range. Talk time is time spent by an agent on the call. It does not include work or hold time.
Handled Max Work TimeThe largest work time value for the handled calls across the selected date/time range. Work time is also known as wrap-up time. It occurs at the end of a call.
Handled Met Service Level CountThe number of calls that met the service level. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Handled Met Service Level PercentThe percentage of calls that met the service level. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Handled Missed Service Level CountThe number of calls that missed the service level. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Handled Missed Service Level PercentThe percentage of calls that missed the service level. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Handled PercentThe percentage of calls handled by the CSQ.
Handled Total Connect TimeThe total connect time for all of the calls handled by the CSQ. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Handled Total Hold TimeThe total hold time for all of the calls handled by the CSQ.
Handled Total Queue TimeThe total queue time for all of the calls handled by the CSQ.
Handled Total Ring Time The total ring time for all of the calls handled by the CSQ.
Handled Total Talk TimeThe total talk time for all of the calls handled by the CSQ.
Handled Total Work TimeThe total work time for all of the calls handled by the CSQ.
Max Connect TimeThe max connect time value for the CSQ. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Max Handle TimeThe max handle time value for the CSQ. Handle time is talk+hold+work time.
Max Hold TimeThe max hold time value for the CSQ.
Max Queue TimeThe max queue time value for the CSQ.
Max Ring TimeThe max ring time value for the CSQ.
Max Talk TimeThe max talk time value for the CSQ.
Max Work TimeThe max work time value for the CSQ.
Met Service Level Average Connect TimeThe average connect time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Met Service Level Average Hold TimeThe average hold time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Average Queue TimeThe average queue time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Average Ring Time The average ring time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Average Talk TimeThe average talk time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Average Work TimeThe average work time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level CountThe number of calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Max Connect TimeThe max connect time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Met Service Level Max Hold TimeThe max hold time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Max Queue TimeThe max queue time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Max Ring TimeThe max ring time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Max Talk TimeThe max talk time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Max Work TimeThe max work time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level PercentThe percentage of calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Total Connect TimeThe total connect time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Met Service Level Total Hold TimeThe total hold time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Total Queue TimeThe total queue time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Total Ring TimeThe total ring time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Total Talk TimeThe total talk time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Met Service Level Total Work TimeThe total work time for all calls that met the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Average Connect TimeThe average connect time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Missed Service Level Average Hold Time The average hold time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Average Queue TimeThe average queue time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Average Ring TimeThe average ring time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Average Talk TimeThe average talk time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Average Work TimeThe average work time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level CountThe total number of calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Max Connect TimeThe max connect time for an agent across all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Missed Service Level Max Hold TimeThe max hold time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Max Queue TimeThe max queue time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Max RingThe max ring time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Max Talk The max talk time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Max WorkThe max work time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level PercentThe percentage of calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Total Connect TimeThe total connect time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Missed Service Level Total Hold TimeThe total hold time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Total Queue TimeThe total queue time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Total Ring TimeThe total ring time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Total Talk TimeThe total talk time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
Missed Service Level Total Work TimeThe total work time for all calls that missed the service level queue time. The service level can be configured for each CSQ and is the targeted maximum number of seconds a call is queued before it is connected to an agent.
RNA CountThe total number of calls presented to an agent and not answered, but were later answered and marked as handled.
RNA PercentThe percentage of calls presented to an agent and not answered, but were later answered and marked as handled.
Total Connect TimeThe total combined connection time for all calls presented to the CSQ. Connection time spans the total length of the call. It is possible for a call that doesn’t connect its destination to have connection time (ring time).
Total CountThe total number of calls presented to the CSQ.
Total Handle TimeThe combined total handle time for all calls presented to the CSQ. Handle time is talk + hold + work time.
Total Hold TimeThe combined total hold time for all calls presented to the CSQ.
Total Queue TimeThe combined total queue time for all calls presented to the CSQ.
Total Ring TimeThe combined total ring time for all calls presented to the CSQ.
Total Talk TimeThe combined total talk time for all calls presented to the CSQ.
Total Work TimeThe combined total work time for all calls presented to the CSQ.
Unknown Disposition CountThe total number of calls tagged with the “Unknown” disposition.
Unknown Disposition PercentThe total percent of calls tagged with the “Unknown” disposition.
Updated on March 11, 2025

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