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  3. Variphy CUCM CDR Search Sets & Criteria Guide & Field Dictionary

Variphy CUCM CDR Search Sets & Criteria Guide & Field Dictionary


Search Sets and Search Criteria are two of the most fundamental and important concepts in Variphy CUCM CDR Call Analytics, as they shape all reports, dashboard widgets, alerts, and history search results.

The Search Set and Search Criteria functionality in Variphy provide the ability to search for, filter, and include virtually any desired set of CDR call activity, no matter how broad or granular.

Search Set

A Search Set is just a set of 1 or more Search Criteria, along with some settings for how to apply the Criteria:

  • Name – used just for display and descriptive purposes
  • Include/Exclude Call Duration – whether or not to also apply additional filtering based upon call duration
  • Match All Criteria – how to apply multiple criteria values together, essentially using “AND” vs “OR” logic when possible (with Match All enabled, “AND” will be used)
  • Search Criteria – one or more search types with one or more values to query for

Search Criteria

Each Search Criteria defines what specific values to match with CUCM CDR data.

In Variphy, Search Criteria are comprised of the following:

<Search Type> <Conditional Type> <Value>

Every Search Criteria has a Search Type – this defines which CUCM CDR property or properties to match against.

A CUCM CDR record has over 100 properties, such as:

  • device name which originating the call (“Originating Device Name”)
  • device name to which the call terminated (“Terminating Device Name”)
  • directory/phone number which originated the call (“Calling Party Number”)
  • directory/phone number which was dialed (“Original Called Party Number”)
  • directory/phone number which was received the call (“Final Called Party Number”)

The Search Criteria Conditional Type defines what type of condition to apply, such as “equals 911”, “starts with 9”, or “does not contain SIP”.

Text Conditional Types

  • equals
  • starts with
  • ends with
  • contains
  • does not equal
  • does not start with
  • does not end with
  • does not contain

Numeric Conditional Types

  • equals
  • greater than
  • great than or equal to
  • less than
  • less than or equal to

Search Value

The Search Value is the specific text or numeric value to be queried for, using the Conditional Type, for example “1000” or “SIP” .


For text-based Search Types, a capital “X” digit can be used to represent a wildcard digit. Multiple wild card digits can be used in the same Value, which allows you to specify lengths of values.

For example, the following Search Criteria will yield all CDR call activity from a 4 digit Calling Party Number, which begins with a “2”.

Calling Party Number equals 2XXX

CDR Search Set Examples

Example 1 – Single Search Type and Value

The following example Search Criteria defines Calling Party Number equals 1234, which means all calls originating only from directory/phone number 1234.

Since there is only 1 Search Type (Calling Party Number) and Value (1234), the Match All Criteria field is not applicable.

Example 2 – Multiple Search Types With Match Any

In this example, there are 2 different CDR Search Types and 3 unique Values, which will be combined using a “Match Any” approach.

Since the Match All Criteria is toggled off, this Search Set will find all CUCM CDRs which match any of the following Search Criteria values:

  • Original Called Party Number equals 911
  • Original Called Party Number equals 9911
  • Final Called Party Number equals 911

Example 3 – Multiple Search Types With Match All

In this example, there are 2 different CDR Search Types and Values, which will be combined using a “Match All” approach.

Since the Match All Criteria is toggled on, this Search Set will find all CUCM CDRs which match both/all of the following Search Criteria values:

  • Calling Party Number equals 1000
  • Final Called Party Number equals 2000

With the following settings, this Search Set will only find CUCM CDRs which originated from Calling Party Number 1000 which also were received by Final Called Party Number 2000.

Example 4 – Multiple Search Types With Match All And Wildcards

In this example, this Search Set will result in all CDR call activity which matches all of the following:

  • Originated from CUCM devices with names beginning with “SEP”
  • Originated from 4-digit Calling Party Numbers beginning with “2”
  • Terminating to 11-digit phone numbers beginning with “9”

This type of Search Set would identify all outgoing PSTN calls that originated from Cisco IP phones (those with CUCM device names beginning with “SEP”) with a particular DN range (2000 – 2999).

The Final Called Party Number starts with 9XXXXXXXXXX contains 10 wild card digits. With the “starts with” conditional”, this would match all Final Called Party Numbers which are at least 11 digits or longer, which also begin with “9”, which is a typical access code users would dial to reach the PSTN.

CUCM CDR Search Type Dictionary

CUCM CDR Search TypeDescription
Originating Party
Calling Party Number The CUCM DN or PSTN phone number from which the call originated
Outpulsed Calling Party NumberWhen normalization or localization takes place at the originating device, the calling party number which was outpulsed from the originating device
Calling Party SIP URIThe SIP URI of the calling party, if it uses a directory URI for call addressing
Originating Device NameThe name of the CUCM device from which the call originated
Originating CUCM Device DescriptionThe description of the CUCM device from which the call originated
Originating CUCM Device Type The Product Type (e.g. Cisco 8851 or SIP Trunk) of the CUCM device from which the call originated
Originating CUCM Device PoolThe Device Pool of the CUCM device from which the call originated
Originating Device IP AddressThe IP address of the device from which the call originated
Originating CUCM DepartmentThe name of the department from CUCM to which the Originating End User belongs
Originating CUCM End User IDThe username of the CUCM end user from which the call originated
Originating CUCM Manager User IDThe username of the originating end user’s Manager User
Originating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 1The Custom LDAP Attribute 1 value from CUCM for the originating end user
Originating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 2The Custom LDAP Attribute 2 value from CUCM for the originating end user
Originating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 3The Custom LDAP Attribute 3 value from CUCM for the originating end user
Originating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 4The Custom LDAP Attribute 4 value from CUCM for the originating end user
Originating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 5The Custom LDAP Attribute 5 value from CUCM for the originating end user
Calling Party Number PartitionThe name of the CUCM partition, if any, for the calling party number
Calling Party Unicode Login User ID The login user ID of the calling party. When extension mobility is involved, this will search on the originating user login
Mobile Calling Party NumberIf the original calling device is a mobile device, this field specifies the mobile cellular number
Mobile Originating Device NameFor calls from a mobile device, this field specifies the device name of the calling party. If the mobile call uses a remote destination profile the device name is the mobile number and remote destination profile name. For example, mobileNumber: RDP-name. If the mobile device uses a mobile identity, the device name is the mobile identity name. If the original device is not a mobile device, this field remains empty.
Dialed Party
Original Called Party NumberThe CUCM DN or PSTN phone number to which the original call was presented, prior to any call forwarding. If translation rules are configured, this number reflects the called number after the translations have been applied.
Outpulsed Original Called Party NumberThe Original called party number outpulsed from the device.
Original Called Party SIP URI The directory URI to which the original call was addressed, prior to any call forwarding, provided the call was addressed to a directory URI. If a blended address is used for the called party, this field specifies the directory URI portion of the blended address.
Dialed CUCM Department The name of the department from CUCM to which the Dialed End User belongs
Dialed CUCM End User ID The username of the CUCM end user who was originally called/dialed
Dialed CUCM Manager User ID The username of the dialed end user’s Manager User
Dialed CUCM End User Custom Attribute 1 The Custom LDAP Attribute 1 value from CUCM for the dialed end user
Dialed CUCM End User Custom Attribute 2The Custom LDAP Attribute 2 value from CUCM for the dialed end user
Dialed CUCM End User Custom Attribute 3The Custom LDAP Attribute 3 value from CUCM for the dialed end user
Dialed CUCM End User Custom Attribute 4The Custom LDAP Attribute 4 value from CUCM for the dialed end user
Dialed CUCM End User Custom Attribute 5The Custom LDAP Attribute 5 value from CUCM for the dialed end user
Original Called Party Number PartitionThe name of the CUCM partition, if any, for the Original Called Party Number
Original Called Party PatternThe pattern to which the original call was placed before any configured translation is applied.
Calls to Translation Pattern will always populate the pattern after applying the configured transformation on the translation pattern.
Terminating Party
Final Called Party NumberThe CUCM DN or PSTN phone number to which the call finally gets presented, until it is answered or rings out. If no forwarding occurs, this number shows the same number as the Original Called Party Number.
If a blended address is used, this field specifies the directory number portion of the blended address.
For calls to a conference bridge, this field contains the actual identifier of the conference bridge, which is an alphanumeric string (for example, b0019901001).
Outpulsed Called Party NumberThe called party number gets outpulsed from the device. This field gets populated only when normalization or localization takes place at the device.
Final Called Party SIP URIThe directory URI address to which the call finally gets presented, if the final address is a directory URI. If no forwarding occurs, this field shows the same directory URI as the Original Called Party SIP URI field. If a blended address is used for the called number, this field specifies the directory URI portion of the blended address. For calls to a conference bridge, this field contains the actual identifier of the conference bridge, which is an alphanumeric string (for example, b0019901001).
Terminating Device NameThe name of the CUCM device from which the call terminated
Terminating CUCM Device DescriptionThe CUCM description of the Terminating Device
Terminating CUCM Device TypeThe Product Type (e.g. Cisco 8851 or SIP Trunk) of the CUCM device to which the call terminated
Terminating CUCM Device Pool
The CUCM Device Pool of the CUCM device to which the call terminated
Terminating Device IP Address
The IP address of the CUCM device to which the call terminated
Terminating CUCM DepartmentThe name of the department from CUCM to which the Terminating End User belongs
Terminating CUCM End User IDThe username of the CUCM end user who received the call
Terminating CUCM Manager User IDThe username of the terminating end user’s Manager User
Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 1The Custom LDAP Attribute 1 value from CUCM for the terminating end user
Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 2The Custom LDAP Attribute 2 value from CUCM for the terminating end user
Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 3The Custom LDAP Attribute 3 value from CUCM for the terminating end user
Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 4The Custom LDAP Attribute 4 value from CUCM for the terminating end user
Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 5The Custom LDAP Attribute 5 value from CUCM for the terminating end user
Final Called Party Number PartitionThe name of the CUCM partition for the final called party number
Final Called Party Unicode Login User IDThe login user ID of the final called party. When extension mobility is involved, this will search on the terminating/receiving user login
Mobile Final Called Party NumberIf the final called device is a mobile device, this field specifies the mobile called party. If the final called device is not a mobile device, this field remains empty.
Mobile Terminating Device NameFor calls where the destination is a mobile device, this field specifies the name of the destination mobile device.
If the mobile device uses a remote destination profile the device name is the mobile number and remote destination profile name. For example, mobileNumber: RDP-name.
If the mobile device uses a mobile identity, the device name is the mobile identity name.
If the destination device is not a mobile device, this field remains empty.
Final Called Party PatternThe pattern of the final called party to which the call is presented until that call is answered or ringing has ended. If no forwarding occurred, this pattern is the same as Original Called Party Pattern. This field indicates the pattern before any configured translation rules are applied.
This value is the same as the Final Called Party Number if the number is a direct match without any translation
Originating or Dialed Party
Calling Party Or Original Called Party NumberThe CUCM DN or PSTN number from which the call originated or was originally called/dialed
Originating Or Dialed CUCM DepartmentThe name of the department from CUCM to which either the Originating or Dialed End User belongs
Originating Or Dialed CUCM End User IDThe username of the CUCM end user from which the call originated or was originally called/dialed
Originating Or Dialed CUCM Manager User IDThe username of the originating or dialed end user’s Manager User
Originating or Dialed CUCM End User Custom Attribute 1The Custom LDAP Attribute 1 value from CUCM for either the originating or dialed end user
Originating or Dialed CUCM End User Custom Attribute 2The Custom LDAP Attribute 2 value from CUCM for either the originating or dialed end user
Originating or Dialed CUCM End User Custom Attribute 3The Custom LDAP Attribute 3 value from CUCM for either the originating or dialed end user
Originating or Dialed CUCM End User Custom Attribute 4The Custom LDAP Attribute 4 value from CUCM for either the originating or dialed end user
Originating or Dialed CUCM End User Custom Attribute 5The Custom LDAP Attribute 5 value from CUCM for either the originating or dialed end user
Calling Party Or Original Called Party Number PartitionThe name of the CUCM partition of the Calling Party or Original Called Party Number
Originating or Terminating Party
Calling Party Or Final Called Party NumberThe CUCM DN or PSTN number of the Calling Party or Final Called Party Number
Calling Or Final Called Party SIP URIThe SIP URI of the calling or final called party, if it uses a directory URI for call addressing
Originating Or Terminating Device NameThe name of the CUCM device from which the originated or to which the call terminated
Originating Or Terminating CUCM Device DescriptionThe CUCM description of the CUCM device from which the originated or to which the call terminated
Originating Or Terminating CUCM Device TypeThe Product Type (e.g. Cisco 8851 or SIP Trunk) of the CUCM device from which the originated or to which the call terminated
Originating Or Terminating CUCM Device PoolThe CUCM Device Pool of the CUCM device from which the originated or to which the call terminated
Originating Or Terminating CUCM Route GroupThe CUCM Route Group (which is a set of devices) to search for as either the Originating or Terminating device
Originating Or Terminating CUCM CDR DeviceThe CDR Device, as configured in Variphy, to search for as either the Originating or Terminating device
Originating Or Terminating CUCM CDR Device ListThe CDR Device List (which is a set of devices), as configured in Variphy, to search for as either the Originating or Terminating device
Originating Or Terminating Device IP AddressThe IP address of the CUCM device from which the originated or to which the call terminated
Originating Or Terminating CUCM DepartmentThe name of the department from CUCM to which either the Originating or Terminating End User belongs
Originating Or Terminating CUCM End User IDThe username of the CUCM end user from who originating or received the call
Originating Or Terminating CUCM Manager User IDThe username of the originating or terminating end user’s Manager User
Originating or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 1The Custom LDAP Attribute 1 value from CUCM for either the originating or terminating end user
Originating or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 2The Custom LDAP Attribute 2 value from CUCM for either the originating or terminating end user
Originating or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 3The Custom LDAP Attribute 3 value from CUCM for either the originating or terminating end user
Originating or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 4The Custom LDAP Attribute 4 value from CUCM for either the originating or terminating end user
Originating or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 5The Custom LDAP Attribute 5 value from CUCM for either the originating or terminating end user
Calling Party Or Final Called Party Number PartitionThe name of the CUCM partition of the Calling Party or Final Called Party Number
Calling Or Final Called Party Unicode Login User IDThe login user ID of either the calling party or final called party, when extension mobility is involved, this will search on the originating or terminating user login
Mobile Calling Or Final Called Party NumberIf the calling or terminating device is a mobile device, this field specifies the mobile cellular number.
Mobile Originating Or Terminating Device Name For calls from or to a mobile device, this field specifies the device name of the Calling or Terminating Party. If the mobile call uses a remote destination profile the device name is the mobile number and remote destination profile name. For example, mobileNumber: RDP-name. If the mobile device uses a mobile identity, the device name is the mobile identity name.
Dialed or Terminating Party
Original Or Final Called Party NumberThe CUCM DN or PSTN number of the Original or Final Called Party Number
Dialed Or Terminating CUCM DepartmentThe name of the department from CUCM to which either the Dialed or Terminating End User belongs
Dialed Or Terminating CUCM End User IDThe username of the CUCM end user from who was originally called/dialed or received the call
Dialed Or Terminating CUCM Manager User IDThe username of the dialed or terminating end user’s Manager User
Dialed or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 1The Custom LDAP Attribute 1 value from CUCM for either the dialed or terminating end user
Dialed or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 2The Custom LDAP Attribute 2 value from CUCM for either the dialed or terminating end user
Dialed or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 3The Custom LDAP Attribute 3 value from CUCM for either the dialed or terminating end user
Dialed or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 4The Custom LDAP Attribute 4 value from CUCM for either the dialed or terminating end user
Dialed or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 5The Custom LDAP Attribute 5 value from CUCM for either the dialed or terminating end user
Original Or Final Called Party Number PartitionThe name of the CUCM partition of the Original or Final Called Party Number
Original Or Final Called Party PatternThe pattern of the Original or Final Called Party to which the call is presented until that call is answered or ringing has ended. If no forwarding occurred, this pattern is the same as Original Called Party Pattern. This field indicates the pattern before any configured translation rules are applied.
This value is the same as the Final Called Party Number if the number is a direct match without any translation
Originating, Dialed or Terminating Party
Calling Party, Original, Or Final Called Party NumberThe CUCM DN or PSTN number of the Calling Pary, Original, or Final Called Party Number
Calling, Original, Or Final Called Party SIP URIThe SIP URI of the calling, original, or final called party, if it uses a directory URI for call addressing
Originating, Dialed Or Terminating CUCM DepartmentThe name of the department from CUCM to which either the Originating, Dialed, or Terminating End User belongs
Originating, Dialed Or Terminating CUCM End User IDThe username of the CUCM end user from who originated, was originally called/dialed or received the call
Originating, Dialed Or Terminating CUCM Manager User IDThe username of the originating, dialed or terminating end user’s Manager User
Originating, Dialed or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 1The Custom LDAP Attribute 1 value from CUCM for the originating, dialed or terminating end user
Originating, Dialed or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 2The Custom LDAP Attribute 2 value from CUCM for the originating, dialed or terminating end user
Originating, Dialed or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 3The Custom LDAP Attribute 3 value from CUCM for the originating, dialed or terminating end user
Originating, Dialed or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 4The Custom LDAP Attribute 4 value from CUCM for the originating, dialed or terminating end user
Originating, Dialed or Terminating CUCM End User Custom Attribute 5The Custom LDAP Attribute 5 value from CUCM for the originating, dialed or terminating end user
Calling, Original Or Final Called Party Number PartitionThe name of the CUCM partition of the Calling Party, Original, or Final Called Party Number
Hunt Pilot
Hunt Pilot NumberThe hunt pilot DN through which the call is routed
Hunt Pilot Number PartitionThe partition for the Hunt Pilot Number (DN)
Hunt Pilot Pattern The huntPilot pattern as configured in CUCM. This field is populated only when the HuntPilot member answers the call which is placed either directly or as a result of redirection to the huntPilot.
Call Duration (seconds)The time duration during which the call was connected, in seconds
Ring Duration (seconds)The time duration during which the call was in the ringing state, in seconds
Queue Duration (seconds)The time duration during which native call queuing in CUCM was involved, in seconds
Mobile Originating Call Duration (seconds)If the calling party is a mobile device, this field specifies the call duration in the mobile network of the originating device, in seconds
Terminating Originating Call Duration (seconds)If the destination device is a mobile device, this field specifies the call duration in the mobile network for the destination device, in seconds
Originating Or Terminating Cause CodeEither the Originating or Terminating Cause Code
Originating Cause CodeFor calls that are cleared by the originating party, this field reflects the reason for clearance. CUCM currently uses the Q.850 codes and some Cisco Unified Communications Manager defined codes. See topics related to call termination cause codes for a listing.
Terminating Cause CodeFor calls that the destination party cleared, this field reflects the reason for the clearance. See topics related to call termination cause codes for a listing of the valid values per Q.850.
For calls that the originating party clears, this field stays zero.
In addition to the standard values that are described in Q.850, when a call gets split by a feature (transfer/conference), the CDR terminates, and this field gets set to 393216. This represents a proprietary value for this field.
Originating Video CodecThis field identifies the codec type that the originator uses to transmit video (H.261, H.263, or H.264.)
Terminating Video CodecThis field identifies the codec type that the terminating party uses to transmit video (H.261, H.263, or H.264).
Originating Or Terminating Video CodecEither the Originating or Terminating Video Codec
Call Identifier
Global Call IdentifierThe unique call identity value that is assigned to each call. The system allocates this identifier independently on each call server. Values get chosen sequentially when a call begins. A value gets assigned for each call, successful or unsuccessful. When Cisco Unified Communications Manager restarts, it checks the file for the current globalCallID_callId number and assigns the next 1000th number to the next GlobalCallID_callId. All records that are associated with a standard call have the same Global Call ID in them.
Call Leg IdentifierThe originating or terminating leg of a call. Be aware that this value is unique within a cluster. If the leg of a call persists across several sub-calls, and consequently several CDRs (as during a call transfer), this value remains constant.
Last Redirect SIP URIFor forwarded calls that use a directory URI for addressing, this field specifies the directory URI of the next to last hop before the call reaches its final destination. If only one hop occurs, this number matches the Original Called Party SIP URI.
If a blended address is used, this field contains only the directory URI portion of the blended address.
For calls that are not forwarded, this field matches the
Original Called Party SIP URI and the Final Called Party SIP URI .
For calls to a conference bridge, this field contains the actual identifier of the conference bridge, which is an alphanumeric string (for example, b0019901001).
Original Called Party Redirect ReasonThe reason for a redirect of the original called party.
Last Redirect ReasonThe last redirect reason for redirection.
Last Redirect DNFor forwarded calls, this field specifies the phone number of the next to last hop before the call reaches its final destination. If only one hop occurs, this number matches the OriginalCalledPartyNumber.
If a blended address is used for call addressing, this field contains only the directory number portion of the blended address.
For calls that are not forwarded, this field matches the OriginalCalledPartyNumber and the FinalCalledPartyNumber.
For calls to a conference bridge, this field contains the actual identifier of the conference bridge, which is an alphanumeric string (for example, b0019901001).
Outpulsed Last Redirecting NumberThe Last Redirecting number outpulsed from the device.
Last Redirecting Party PatternThe pattern of the last party which redirected the call to the current called party. If there is no redirection, the field has the same value as the Original Called Party Pattern.
Forced Authorization CodeThe Forced Authorization Code (FAC) that is associated with the call.
Forced Authorization LevelThe numeric level of the FAC.
Client Matter CodeBefore the system extends a call, the user enters a client matter code that can be used for assigning account or billing codes to calls. This field displays the client matter code.
On Behalf Of
Originating Call Termination On Behalf OfThis field specifies code that identifies why the originator was terminated.
For example, if the originator of the call hangs up the phone, the OnBehalfOf code shows “12” for Device. If the call terminates because of a transfer, the OnBehalfOf code shows “10” for Transfer.
Terminating Call Termination On Behalf OfThis field specifies code that identifies why the destination was terminated.
For example, if the destination of the call hangs up the phone, the OnBehalfOf code shows “12” for Device. If the call terminates because of a transfer, the OnBehalfOf code shows “10” for Transfer.
Join On Behalf Of This field specifies code that identifies the reason for a join.
For example, if the join takes place on behalf of a transfer, the OnBehalfOf code specifies “10.”
Original Called Party Redirect On Behalf OfThis field specifies code that identifies the reason for redirection of the original called party.
For example, if the original called party was redirected because of a conference, the OnBehalfOf code specifies “4.”
Last Redirect On Behalf OfThis field specifies code that identifies the reason for redirection of the last redirected party.
For example, if the last redirected party was redirected on behalf of a conference, the OnBehalfOf code specifies “4.”
Called Party Pattern Usage TypeThe type of pattern of the called party.
Comment This text can describe details about the call. For example, malicious calls will have “MALICIOUS” in this value
Updated on July 13, 2020

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