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Webex Calling Call Detail Dictionary


Column NameDefinitionExample
Date/Time OriginationDate & Time a call originatedMar 22, 2023 6:02:25 AM PDT
Date OriginationDate a call originatedMar 22, 2023
Time OriginationTime a call originated6:02:25 AM PDT
Answer Date/TimeDate & time a call was answeredMar 22, 2023 5:40:58 AM PDT
Answer DateDate a call was answeredMar 22, 2023
Answer TimeTime a call was answered5:40:58 AM PDT
End Date/TimeDate & time a call was endedMar 22, 2023 5:41:29 AM PDT
End DateDate a call endedMar 22, 2023
End TimeTime a call ended5:41:29 AM PDT

Originating Party

Column NameDefinitionExample
Calling Party NumberCaller ID or DN of a person placing a call.+18005551234
Calling Party NameThe value displayed here depends on the calling scenario:
* For external inbound calls this field will display the Calling Line ID
* For internal calls:
On the originating record the User name will be displayed.
On the terminating record the Calling Line ID will be displayed.
Bob Smith
Calling Party Client TypeThe type of device the call came from.
*Webex Calling App
*Third Party Device
*Webex App
*MPP Deskphone Device
*Local Gateway

Note: we can only derive this value for Webex users and not external users/callers.
Webex App
Calling Party Client VersionThe version of the Webex Client the call was placed from.
Note: This value will not be populated for external users/callers.
Calling Party OS TypeThe operating system the call was placed from (IOS, MAC, Windows, etc)Windows
Calling Party Device Mac AddressThe MAC Address of the device the call was placed from.E41F7B76CDF3
Calling Party Site’s Main NumberThe main number associated to the user’s organization. This value will not be populated for external users/callers.18005551234
Calling Party Site LocationThe location where the organization is located.Chicago
Calling Party Site’s Time ZoneThe Webex Organization’s site time zone. -7
Calling Party User TypeThe type of user that placed the call.
*Automated Attendant Video
*Broadworks Anywhere
*Voice Mail Retrieval
*Local Gateway
*Hunt Group
*Group Paging
*Voice Mail Group
*Call Centers Standard
*Voice XML
*Route Point
Local Gateway
Calling Party’s ManagerThe manager associated to the user that placed the call. Bob Smith
Calling Party Inbound TrunkOn an inbound call this is the incoming trunk.vCUBE01
Calling Party Outbound TrunkOn an outbound call this is the destination trunk.vCUBE02

Terminating Party

Column NameDefinitionExample
Called Party NumberThe DN or phone number called by the calling party.+18005551234
Called Party NameThe user who received the call (if applicable).Bob Smith
Called Party Client TypeThe type of device the call was delivered to.
*Webex Calling App
*Third Party Device
*Webex App
*MPP Deskphone
*Local Gateway

Note: we can only derive this value for Webex users and not external users/callers.
Called Party Client VersionThe version of the Webex Client the call was placed to.
Note: This value will not be populated for external users/callers.
Called Party OS TypeThe operating system the call was placed to (IOS, MAC, Windows, etc)Windows
Called Party Device Mac AddressThe MAC Address of the device the call was placed to.E41F7B76CDF3
Called Party Site’s Main NumberThe main number associated to the user’s organization. This value will not be populated for external users/callers.18005551234
Called Party Site LocationThe Webex Organization’s location.Chicago
Called Party Site’s Time ZoneThe Webex Organization’s site time zone. -6
Called Party User TypeThe type of user that received the call.
*Automated Attendant Video
*Broadworks Anywhere
*Voice Mail Retrieval
*Local Gateway
*Hunt Group
*Group Paging
*Voice Mail Group
*Call Centers Standard
*Voice XML
*Route Point
Called Party’s ManagerThe manager associated to the user that received the call. Bob Smith
Called Party Inbound TrunkOn an inbound call this is the incoming trunk.vCUBE01
Called Party Outbound TrunkOn an outbound call this is the destination trunk.vCUBE02


Column NameDefinitionExample
Call Duration (sec)Duration of a call in seconds.279
Call Duration (hh:mm:ss)Duration of a call in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.00:04:39
Ring Time (sec)Ring time of a call in seconds.10
Ring Time (hh:mm:ss)Ring time of a call in Hours:Minutes:Seconds00:00:10
Queue Time (sec)Amount of time in a call queue in seconds.79
Queue Time (hh:mm:ss)Amount of time in a call queue in Hours:Minutes:Seconds.00:01:19


Column NameDefinitionExample
DirectionThe direction of the call. The possible values are
Forwarded By NameDisplays the name of the Webex Calling user forwarding a call, regardless of type (user vs auto-receptionist, etc)Bob Smith
Forwarded By NumberNumber which forwarded the call.1234
Forwarded To NameDisplays the name of the called Webex Organization user receiving a forward a call, regardless of type (user vs auto-receptionist, etc)Bob Smith
Forwarded To NumberNumber which the call was forwarded to.1234
Transferred by NameDisplays the name of the Webex Calling user transferring a call, regardless of type (user vs auto-receptionist, etc)Bob Smith
Transferred by NumberNumber which transferred the call.1234
Transferred to NameDisplays the name of the called Webex Organization user receiving a transferred call, regardless of type (user vs auto-receptionist, etc)Bob Smith
Transferred to NumberNumber which the call was transferred to.1234
Presented ToThe user(s) in a hunt group or queue where the call was presented to.Bob Smith, Sue Young, Dan Long

Call Identifier

Column NameDefinitionExample
Call IDThe unique call identity value that is assigned to each call.ef0f1aa1-e6e3-4f8a-bd71-87cdac53b0c1


Column NameDefinitionExample
Call TypeIdentifies the type of call
*SIP Meeting
*SIP International
*SIP Shortcode
*SIP Inbound
*SIP Emergency
*SIP Premium
*SIP Enterprise
*SIP Tollfree
*SIP National
*SIP Mobile
SIP Meeting
Has Voice MailTrue or False. If true it means the call was sent to voice mail.True

Call Quality

Column NameDefinitionExample
Audio Packet LossThe percentage of audio packets that were lost.0.39
Audio LatencyThe latency of the call audio in milliseconds. 106.0
Audio JitterThe jitter of the call audio in milliseconds. 45.0
Video Packet LossThe percentage of video packets that were lost.0.39
Video LatencyThe latency of the call video in milliseconds.46.0
Updated on May 9, 2023

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